Executive Effectiveness
Organizational Leadership International Views
The Quest for Executive Effectiveness. Turning Vision Inside Out. A.M. O'Roark, PhD. Blue Dolphin Symposium Press, Nevada City CA [2000, $19.95] [click BOOKS for more information and updated edition]
Bearding the Lion That Roared. The Levinson Cornerstones in Organizational Consulting. A.M. O'Roark, PhD, Editor (2010. ClearView Publisher, Inc. $19.95)
The International Council of Psychologists Book Series. Published by Shaker Verlag, Pabst, Cambridge
International Consulting Psychology: Issues in Assessment and Intervention. In R.Lowman Ed. Handbook of Organizational Consulting psychology, Ch 21. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. O'Roark, A. M. (2002).
The best of consulting psychology 1900—2000: Insider perspectives. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 59,3, 189-202.O’Roark, A. M . (2007).
Taking Responsibility for the Future: Calibration Consultation. Keynote Address for the 64th Annual Conference of the International Council of Psychologists. In Comunian, A.L. & Roth, R.(Eds.) (2007). International Perspectives in Psychology. Proceedings of the 64th Annual Convention of the International Council of Psychologists in Kos, Greece, July 10-13, 2006. Aachen: Shaker Verlag..O’Roark, A. M. (2006).
American Psychological Association. Guidelines for Education and Training at the Doctoral and Postdoctoral Levels in Consulting Psychology / Organizational Consulting Psychology. American Psychologist, December 2007, 62,9,980-992. A. O’Roark, lead, S. Cooper & P. Lloyd (Eds.).
Consulting Competently in Multicultural contexts. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research. S. Cooper, Lead Author, with K. Wilson-Starks,A. M. O’Roark, . D.B. Peterson, and G. Pennington. (2008).
Stress in the Workplace: Assessing Stress Judiciously. In C.D. Spielberger & I. B. Sarason (Eds), Stress and Emotion, Vol.17. Washington, DC.: Taylor & Francis Publisher.O’Roark, A. M. (2005).
Ph.D. . University of Florida. Psychological Foundations of Education. NDEA Fellow.M.Ed. . University of Florida. Behavioral Sciences Foundations of Education. Phi Kappa Phi.B.A. University of Kentucky. Journalism. Phi Beta Kappa, Theta Sigma Phi, Mortar Board, Cwens, Alpha Lambda Delta, Alma Magna Mater President, Chi Omega President.
Secondary Education: Nürnberg American High School, Nürnberg Germany. Valedictorian.
Post Bachalaureat Studies. Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton NJ. Trenton State Teachers College, NJ.
Post Doctoral Studies. University of Florida. Behavioral Neurobiology. C.G. Jung Institute, Kusnach / Zurich, Switzerland.

Dr. O'Roark received the 2015 DISTINGUISHED CONTRIBUTIONS to International Psychology from the International Council of Psychologists, Inc. She was given a Lifetime Achievement Award as well as Exemplary Impact Award by the Society of Consulting Psychology, division 13 of the American psychological Association
- Ann was recognized as ".......a tireless, extrordinarily dedicated stalwart of our profession.." She served as President, Treasurer, Council Representative, and first Organizational Renewal Chair for the Division of Consulting Psychology, Her work as APA Council Representative led to the confirmation of an APA Policy on Guidelines for Doctoral and Postdoctoral Education and Training in Consulting Psychology: Organizational Consulting.
- Dr. O'Roark, a third generation graduate of the University of Kentucky, Received The Algernon Sydney Sullivan Medallion Presented to an “Outstanding Graduate” to give recognition and stimulus to high thought and noble endeavor to those who because of the quality of their lives are judged to be appropriate recipients of the Award.
- Ann's Invitational Leadership Approach , described in The Quest for Executive Effectiveness, is the first applied model developed by a woman practitioner and first to composite research and theory from diverse schools of thinking. "Dr. O'Roark's book provides a unique blend of basic concepts. . .along with practical information that provides clear and useful guidance for executives and managers, and the psychologists who work with them..." (C. D. Spielberger, PhD, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida).
Dr. Ann Marie O'Roark and Dr. Consuelo Barreda- Hanson
Selby Botanical Research Gardens
Sarasota, Florida
December 2016